Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This past year has been a big one for me in the learning the lesson of letting go. A few major relationships have ended and oddly enough some old ones I thought were dead and gone are re emerging. Go figure.
I was initially scared to reopen those chapters I closed so long ago. I thought I made the right choice by ending them at that time. But once I set aside my fear I realized that I did make the right choice for that time but time has kept ticking and things have changed. Now I can make different choices and view the situations differently because along with time, I too have changed.
You know I find one of the hardest things about change is the letting go of who you thought you were to usher in this "new" you, a changed you. I've been me so long its hard to think of a new me without this or without that....But fighting the change does nothing but bring more pain and honestly more wear and tare and if I have to start over (again)I want to have as few rough edges as I can.

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