Saturday, July 31, 2010

Here Goes Nothing..

I am a blog stalker. I read your blogs, envelope myself deep into your world and imagine I am there. Mostly I haunt mediblogs and pretend I am through with my five year plan and have finished general ed at community college and completed my nursing education......ho hum I'll get there one day! But amidst all this blog chatter I grew my head big enough to think that maybe, possibly YOU might be interested in MY world. Go figure. So I'm gonna lay it all down on the line and maybe we will have some fun. For those of you that don't know already I am a moderately young mother of two delightful (devilish) children in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can call me MadMom. My kids, daughter Chachi is eight and son Bubba is six. They are too smart for their (MY) own good. I love them dearly and couldn't imagine life without them although at times I want to close the door and stick my fingers in my ears while singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU!!" But what good mom doesn't? I work 40 hours a week and go to school at night hoping to slowly knock away at my general education credits and one day apply to nursing school....insert dream sequence here......

With heart racing music pumping, Nurse MadMom races down the Emergency Room corridor. "Were losing her!" Shouts the ER Doc. "Someone get the defibrillator!"
"CLEAR!" Nurse MadMom shouts as she bursts through the exam room doors just in time.
SHOCK BOOM BOOM and silence.
"It's too late" cries the ER Doc with despair in his voice.
"Wait for it...." MadMom says with bated breath.
"We've got a rhythm! Nurse MadMom you did it!"

....dream sequence ends... Who wouldn't want to live that dream!

I have to be honest. As AMAZING as I am I couldn't do any of this without my family. Chachi and Bubba's dad Bega, my parents Mema and Papa and my sister Esquireand her husband Sparky. We all make up the little world that spins and spins and creates fun, love and oh yeah did I mention Chaos? Well stay tuned and I will let this world unfold for you and lets see if we can't have a little fun. You in?

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